EP27 – October 7, 2017: DIY Appliance Repairs, The Order of Painting, Color on the Ceilings, and Get Your Fireplace Ready for Fall!


Personally, I love the appliance episodes because they can be so practical. In today’s first segment we talk about common appliance repairs that anyone can do! And you’re not going to believe the money you’ll be able to save!

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Show notes for Episode 027:

In this segment, we sit down with Steve Rozema from Northgate Appliance and we talk about common appliance problems and the simple DIY repair! If you want to save money, impress your friends and family, and keep that dryer heating, then you've got to hear this segment!

You can reach Northgate Appliance via the website or by calling them @ 616-396-4456

When it comes to starting a paint project, a lot of people find themselves wondering: where do I start? What should I paint first? Walls? Ceiling? What next?

If you've ever wondered that, we've got the system the pro's use to get beautiful results everytime!

We also deal with another common question we hear all the time at RepcoLite: "Do I really need to prime EVERYTIME I paint?"

It happens all the time. Customers agonize over wall colors, look at hundreds of chips in all sorts of different lighting situations, until they find the color that's perfect for their space. Then they grab a gallon of white for the ceiling!

Don't work out your wall colors with fear and trembling only to ignore the ceiling! We're in the studio with Kim Scott from Kim Scott Interiors and we're talking about why a color on the ceiling will take your room from ordinary to breathtaking!

The weather is going to cool down and those of us with fireplaces are going to be thinking about starting them up. We're in the studio with Rob Cackowski from the Heritage Fireplace and Design Center and he's got a list of things you absolutely need to know before you start that first fire!

Also, in the segment, Rob talked about a great resource, The National Fireplace Institute. There's a lot of great info there, so check it out if you have questions. Or you can call Rob @ 616-949-4466, email him at info@heritagefireplace.com, or visit the website here!

EP25 – September 23, 2017: Surfactant Leaching, Appliance Shopping 101, and Color Flow


Every time Dan goes to buy a refrigerator, he makes a critical mistake that MANY people make. He starts by going to the store and looking at all the available options. He picks a fridge he just can’t live without, then goes home to measure the space. This is the point where he is overwhelming disappointed. The fridge he has chosen will never, in a million years, fit in the space he has available. He finds out the only fridge that will fit is the most plain, boring model. If he had measured BEFORE he went to the store, he wouldn’t have been disappointed. We’ve got everything you need to know before you step foot in the appliance store.

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Show notes for episode 025:

We got a question from a listener! She has a tan sticky residue on the walls of her freshly painted bathroom and she wants to know what it is. The good news is, we know what it is and its more common than people realize. We dig in to the fix and discuss some hilarious (but wrong!) ideas of the cause that come straight from the internet.
It's a common occurrence: we go to look at appliances, find one we love, only to find out it won't fit in the space we have available. We are so disappointed! If only we hadn't looked at the fridge with the LED touch screen and coffee maker! If only we had only looked at the refrigerators that ACTUALLY fit in our space. Steve Rozema of Northgate Appliance walks us through things we need to know before we ever start looking for kitchen appliances. It's guaranteed to save all of us from a lot of disappointment and help us get more out of our appliance shopping.
In the second segment we talked with Steve Rozema from Northgate Appliance in Holland with the intent of talking about kitchen appliances. However, he had so much information, we only made it through refrigerators! Lucky for us, Steve agreed to hang around to finish talking about the rest of the kitchen appliances.
We see it all the time at RepcoLite; people are worried about choosing a paint color because they've had bad experiences in the past getting color continuity throughout their home. We call this color flow. Usually people paint one room at a time and focus on that room, not how it fits in with the rest of the house. The result is a patchwork feeling. We have simple ways to help you gain confidence in creating color flow. And if you STILL don't feel comfortable creating color flow, Benjamin Moore has the "magic" Affinity fan deck that takes the stress out of choosing color and makes it look like you hired a decorator! Affinity fan decks are available at all RepcoLite, Port City Paints, and Snyder Paints locations.



EP20 – August 19, 2017: Central Vacuums, Ceilings, Stress-Free Color Matching, and Buying a New House


Our ceilings are often like that one guy in the office. The quiet one who everyone forgets to invite to the party. Don’t let that happen in your home! Sure, your walls are having fun trying on new colors and looking good, but don’t leave your ceilings out! In this episode, we talk with Designer Kim Scott to talk about ceilings and some interesting ways to use them to make a statement!

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Show notes for episode 020:

Many of us hate vacuuming. Especially if we have stairs! Just the thought of lugging that heavy, awkward vacuum up and down the stairs makes us groan. But we have a solution!

Tom Courtright from WalVac stops by to tell us about his amazing central vacuum system that will save our backs the next time we vacuum stairs. We've heard from many people who have this system, and they say they'll never go back to a regular vacuum. We think that speaks for itself!

When we ask customers if they are going to paint their ceilings, we often get a blank stare. It just seems like one more thing to do. But it's time to change your thinking! Your ceiling deserves just as much attention as your walls.

Kim Scott, of KJS Interiors, is an interior designer who loves to use color in her decorating. She gives us tips on how to use color on ceilings to create that "wow" factor!

No one likes to make multiple trips to the paint store for a color match. We want to help you make one trip by telling you everything we need to get your match done right the first time.

Shopping for a new house can be very overwhelming. There is so much to look at and consider. It is very easy to miss or overlook important things.

To help us know what to pay attention to, Rodger Nyhuis, of Keller Williams Holland Lakeshore Realty, stops by to discuss what he tells his clients. He has great information that will help us be more thorough the next time we walk through a house.

EP13 – July 1, 2017: Picture Perfect Front Doors!

Painting your front door is easily one of the best “bang for your buck” projects you can tackle around the home. It adds huge curb appeal to your home and, best of all, it’s quick and inexpensive! And yet, we’re often intimidated by the project! We can’t find the right color and we’re nervous about making it look good. Well, don’t worry! It’s easy. And we’ll tell you everything you need to know!

Listen here:

Show notes for Episode 013:

In this opening segment we sit down in the studio with Nick Sargent from Johnson Carpet One in Grandville and he discusses the ins and outs, pros and cons of all types of wood and wood-look flooring.

If you're thinking about a floor project in your home, this is a "must-listen!"

In today's Ask RepcoLite segment, we talk about paint that just won't cover and hide. You know what we're talking about: that bright red paint that takes coat after coat after coat and still look transparent. What's wrong with the paint? Why is this happening?

We'll tell you why it's happening and better yet, how to avoid this common problem in the first place!

It's all about fun in this segment. And delicious food. Rob Cackowski from Heritage Fireplace and Design Center is in the studio and he's dishing out some expert advice that will make sure you're the talk of your next backyard grill out!

Painting your front door is one of the best "bang for your buck" paint projects you can tackle! You'll dramatically improve the curb appeal of your home and, best of all, you'll do it in just a few hours and often for no more than a quart of paint!