Christmas is rapidly approaching! And while that fills many of us with excitement and anticipation, there are many families in our community who will struggle. Angel Tree is a ministry run by the Salvation Army that allows us to help make Christmas a bit brighter by connecting Christmas gifts with kids and teens in our area who otherwise would possibly not have received anything this year.
There are a lot of good causes out there to give to, but Angel Tree is really a great “hands-on” experience. Rather than simply donating money, you and your family head to any organization hosting an Angel Tree (see links below), pick out a tag or two (or three) from the tree, and then head to the store to buy a gift!

This year my family got involved with Angel Tree for the first time in a number of years. My youngest daughter went shopping with me and had a lot of fun (and spent a fair amount of time) strolling through the toy aisles, trying to decide on the perfect choice for a 7 year old girl. She was involved in the process and that made her more aware of the needs out there. Also, it helped her become part of one little way of helping.This year, RepcoLite is hosting Angel Trees at 4 of our locations:
- The 17th Street Store in Holland (473 W. 17th Street)
- The Byron Center Store (860 84th St. SW, Suite 2)
- The Broadmoor Ave. Store (2840 Broadmoor Ave SE)
- The Fulton Street Store (912 Fulton St. SE)