It’s that time of year again! The time when we want to spend all available time outdoors, enjoying everything Michigan has to offer. There are water adventures, camping, sunsets, hiking, and ticks. Yes, ticks! It is going to be another prevalent year for natures little vampires! But don’t think your best conceived summer plan is in peril just yet. David Popp from Rose Pest Solutions is going to help all of us deal with these creepy pests.
That and much more on today’s episode:
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Show notes for episode 009:
Nothing is worse than spending a beautiful summer day exploring nature, only to get home and find that one of nature's hitchhikers has attached itself to your skin. Then comes the battle to decide which method is best for removing a tick. There are many wives tales o tick removal, but there is only one good way.
David Popp from Rose Pest Solutions joins us in the studio to discuss how ticks attach, how to avoid getting them and what to do if you happen to be the unfortunate person one latches onto.
We hear it time and time again at all of our RepcoLite locations: "I have paneling from the 60s and I'm sick of it. Can I paint that?"
The answer is, YES! It's actually quite simple to do. You just have to be aware of some important ideas that will make your project go a whole lot more smoothly. And we'll also tell you the best way to apply the paint to avoid funny lines.
When people think of preparing a garage floor for a coating, they think chemicals are the answer. When people think of refinishing wood floors, they think of runaway sanders or back creaking labor. When they think of decks that have too many layers of stain, they think it's time to build new. But wait! There's an easier solution!
The OnFloor machine will take care of all those surfaces without the hassle. It will grind concrete in garages, basements and shops. It will take paint, polyurethane and mastic off wood floors and then sand them. It will send old stain off a deck and have it looking like new in now time. And the best part is, it can be controlled with just two fingers! We'll give you all the details and where to rent one in this segment!
Dan has had the argument with his dad over lawn sprinkling for years! How often should you sprinkle your lawn? What time of day is best? How long should you do it for?
The great debate will finally be settled with the help of Aaron Katerberg from Grapids Irrigation. He will answer those questions as well as questions about drainage, for those of us who have the opposite problem - too much water!