EP39 – December 30, 2017: Paint Dilemmas, Kitchen Appliance Trends, Advancements in Paint


Paint dilemmas happen all the time! To pros and to DIYers. No matter how much experience we may have, we all make a mistake from time to time. Well, today we go over a number of those common mishaps and give you everything you need to know to avoid them!

Listen here:

Show notes for Episode 039:

When we tackle a paint project there are often little mistakes we all make from time to time. Whether we're pros or whether we're new DIYers, these mistakes are easy to make! Today, we go through a list of some of the most common ones and talk about how to avoid them!

Today we're joined in the studio by Steve Rozema from Northgate Appliance. And our goal is to talk about some of the current trends in kitchen appliances. We'll cover everything from the most popular colors to the trendiest styles!

For our last segment today, we sit down with Jeff Mott the manager of our Lakewood Blvd. location. Jeff has been in the paint industry since childhood! His parents owned the Color House in Holland and, eventually, so did Jeff. Now he works for RepcoLite and we thought we'd tap his vast knowledge and years of experience to see what he thinks are some of the greatest advancements in the industry!

EP38 – December 23, 2017: Prevent Freezing Pipes, Home Theater Equipment, and Creating the Right Atmosphere


Home theaters are becoming popular areas in homes. And while not everyone can have a designated theater room, it’s possible to have the same experience in your family room. It just takes the right equipment and the right paint to create the perfect atmosphere.

And if you aren’t quite ready to jump on the home theater bandwagon, don’t worry! We’ll give you things to think about to create the perfect atmosphere in every room, every time.

Listen here:

Show notes for episode 038:

We recently saw a Facebook post from Great Lakes Plumbing Services (aka The Plumber is Here!) talking about freezing pipes. We've had a lot of cold weather recently and freezing pipes are certainly possible; especially with the holidays and people being out of town for extended periods of time. To help you avoid a potential disaster, we asked Mark DeVisser from Great Lakes Plumbing Services to stop by and give us the rundown on preventing your pipes from springing a leak.
You sit down with the family to watch a movie. You pop in the disc, retreat to the couch and wait for the sound to blast from your tv. Don't you wish you had surround sound? Or better yet, an all immersive sound experience where it really sounds like the helicopters are just above you?! John Higgs from Classic Stereo drops in to talk all things home theater. There's a lot of new technology that can be used with the technology you already have. This will save money but give you a whole new experience!
This segment is actually two parts. In the first part, we briefly discuss a very cool RepcoLite Product: Movie Night Paint. Movie Night is an amazing projection screen paint that is (gasp!) affordable. RepcoLite's Dave Helmholdt helped develop the product so we asked him to come add his thoughts. We then shift gears just a bit (because there are some people who are sick of talking about home theaters), and talk about creating the right atmosphere. Now this does pertain to home theaters, but it also pertains to home decorating in general. So often, the atmosphere of a home is dictated by the color and paint choice. Why not change it up and choose the atmosphere you want and then get the color and products to help you achieve it?







EP37 – December 16, 2017: Common Painting Mistakes, Holiday Fire Prevention, and Creative Wallpaper Ideas


It’s time for a reality check–Christmas is just over a week away. That means even more chaos and stress than usual. Are you thinking about ways to prevent a fire in your home and what to do if there IS one? Probably not. But you should be.

Many people think that Christmas trees start most house fires around the holidays. Surprisingly, that is not the case. The most common cause of house fires is something we do every day. But the good news is that it can be prevented if we just slow down and pay attention. We want to help keep your holidays merry by helping you stay safe.

Listen here:

Show notes for episode 037:

Have you ever left of the lid off a paint can...then stepped on the lid? Have you ever chosen a color, only to paint the whole room and decide you can't stand the color? There are lots of very common painting mistakes that almost EVERYONE makes.

The good news is that they are all avoidable. We've got the mistakes AND the way to avoid them. You won't be spending extra time fixing mistakes or cleaning up messes. You can get straight to enjoying your work!

If you are like Betsy and have a real Christmas tree in your house, you may have some nagging concern that it will catch your house on fire. Most of us have seen the videos of this happening and in under a minute the entire room is engulfed in flames. But did you know that Christmas trees are not the most common source of fires? In fact, the thing that starts the most fires is something we ALL do. We were surprised at the most common cause.

Captain Chris Tinney of the Holland Fire Department stopped by to talk about fire hazards during the holidays. Some of the information really surprised us and caused us to take just a few extra minutes to pay attention to what we are doing. He also had some good advice about using a fire extinguisher.

Captain Tinney took just a few minutes to discuss the Kidde Fire Extinguisher recall. Most of the problems come from the nozzle clogging, detaching, or the unit not discharging at all. The recall involves almost 38 million units. It doesn't hurt to check your unit here to see if it has been recalled.

Ok, this is not your grandma's wallpaper! Gone are the days of totally country or tiny floral prints. Now we have beautiful colors, amazing geometrics, and fantastic metallics. Put those to use in some unusual ways. Get inspired. Get creative. Wallpaper can add personality to any project.

For more inspiration, check out our Pinterest board! And feel free to share photos of your wallpaper creations with us at radio@repcolite.com or on our Facebook page.  

You Wallpapered What?!



EP36 – December 9, 2017: Wood Staining Basics, Snowblower Buying, DIY Gifts, and Wallpaper Stripping


Christmas time can be very stressful! Not only does life seem to be more chaotic this time of year, but there are gifts to be bought and that alone causes panic. What do you get for someone who has everything? What if they don’t like what you give them? Are you just wasting your money?

In the spirit of giving, we thought we would help make everyone’s shopping a little easier by giving you our lists of great gift ideas (suited for every budget!) for that DIYer in your life. Most are practical, some are a must, and others may be as much a gift to the giver as to the receiver.

Listen here:

Show notes for Episode 036:

It's not uncommon for people to start a wood staining project only to discover--very quickly--that the wood they're staining doesn't seem to take the stain the way they had expected. And when that happens, things get frustrating quickly!

On this segment, we talk about some common woods and their limitations when it comes to accepting stain. We also dig into some of the concessions we as homeowners have to make when tackling a staining project. After all, wood is a natural substrate and as such, it's full of "character"! And that means the pieces aren't going to be exact duplicates. There will be variations. Accepting it right at the beginning will help.

And here's a bonus point that didn't make it into the broadcast:

On top of EVERYTHING we said in the segment, if you have the opportunity, before you have custom cabinets, built-ins or even trim installed, talk to the finisher. The builder you hire can direct you to the finisher he or she uses. And once you can actually sit down with that person, take time to discuss the color you want to achieve with your stain and listen to the recommendations regarding wood choices!

Finishers are always in the position on a job to take whatever wood was used and make it beautiful. And sometimes, this is a monumental task. They definitely know what woods are going to produce the best results and can make some solid recommendations for you based on the color you want to achieve. Take that info to your builder and see if you can have the items built in that wood so you end up with the color results you want.

If you don't have a finisher or are doing the work yourself, make sure you stop at any RepcoLite or Port City Paints Store, and bring your target color and we will gladly make a wood recommendation!

Some of us procrastinate when it comes to buying a snowblower. We really just want to see snow on the ground and KNOW it's going to stay before we shell out the cash.

Or, sometimes we find ourselves in the market because after the first real snowfall happens, we start our old one up only to realize that last year was it's last year!

Whatever your situation, if you're in the market for a snowblower, we've got answers! We're on the phone with Larry Bergman from Bergman Power Equipment and he's got some solid recommendations to help you make sure you pick up the right machine for your situation!

Looking for a great list of home improvement tools for that DIYer on your Christmas list? We've got the best recommendations out there.

Around $10

Dan's Choice

My first choice is a good tape measure. Yes, it's boring. No, it's not flashy. But it is practical.

The tape measure I like is called the TRUST 72-7525 Tape Measure. You can pick it up for around $12 (so I'm stretching the price limits a little), but it's worth it!

Betsy's Choice

My first choice is cooler than Dan's: it's a bucket organizer. Simply put it in a 5-gallon bucket and you've instantly got a very portable tool box!

It has pockets and looks for all your tools and you can put larger items in the bucket. It also works great for all your painting supplies.

Around $25

Dan's Choice

A stud finder. Stop pounding the walls and hoping to hear a different sound. And even more so, stop pounding nails in the walls in little trial and error sections! I've done both and definitely have enjoyed the ease of use and accuracy of a stud finder. No, they're not perfect. Yes, they can make mistakes from time to time. But overall, it's a time saver and a wall saver!

Betsy's Choice

A multi-tool. I love these things! And while you could go crazy and buy a very expensive one, even a $25 multi-tool will get you at least a knife, a pliers, a wire cutters, and flat head and Phillips head screwdrivers! Everything you need to use in a pinch!

Around $50

Dan's Choice

An orbital sander. You'll use it all the time and on all kinds of different projects. I've used it to sand everything from furniture, to boards, to the edges of a deck where a bigger floor unit wouldn't reach. It is remarkably handy. And best of all, you can get a good one for under $50.

Betsy's Choice

Vampliers Screw Extraction Pliers! These these are AWESOME! I did everything I could on-air to describe them, but a picture's worth 1000 words. The rows of teeth are designed to grab even the slipperiest screw and help you extract it with ease! Just read the reviews on this tool! It's definitely something for every toolbox. And, best of all, it prices out at about $40. So you've got $10 you can spend on that bucket organizer!

Around $100

Dan's Choice

A jigsaw. And a good one. Don't skimp! Get one that has variable speeds and an easy mechanism for changing blades. This is another of those tools that is a workhorse around the home. No, it's not as fancy as Betsy's Vampliers, but you're going to use it way more! (Unless you routinely strip screws!) The biggest point to stress here is to invest in a good saw. Read reviews, ask questions and find one that will do what you need.

Betsy's Choice

A laser measure. Specifically, I'm recommending the Bosch GLM 40 Laser Measure. It'll measure area, length, volume and will also do addition and subtraction! It's pocket sized and is perfect for anyone who has the need to measure larger areas, like rooms, on a regular basis.

However, as Dan pointed out, NEVER point the laser at a helicopter or an airplane or any other vehicle or person for that matter! Trouble will ensue. Don't believe us, look below (and consider this a bonus present for the holidays that will keep you out of court and prison!)

Over $100

Dan's Choice

If you can spend the money on someone you love dearly, you can't go wrong with this drill/driver and impact driver combo set! As we mentioned in the show, an impact driver is an amazing tool if you drive a lot of screws. It's better than any other tool at the job and makes easy work of drilling screws into even the thickest, most dense boards.

Betsy's Choice

Man Crates. Yes. You read that correctly. As Dan said, they're basically funny and cool crafty kits for guys. There are knife making kits, pipe carving kits, a chef kit (complete with band-aids). And best of all, many of them come in super cute (ahem, I mean ultra-manly) wooden crates. With a tiny pry bar. Which is actually half the fun! Give the gift and then laugh til you cry as your loved one tries to open it! It's awesome. Unique. And definitely makes me the winner of this contest! Check them out!

When you hear the words "wallpaper stripping," do you cringe? When you see dated wallpaper in a potential new home that will have to be stripped, do you make a beeline for the door and cross the house off your list? These seem to be common reactions when people even THINK of stripping wallpaper. And this can happen for a couple of different reasons.
  1. People have stripped wallpaper before and had a terrible experience.
  2. People have heard horror stories of stripping wallpaper and don't want any part of it.
Our goal with this segment is to give you all the information you need to make wallpaper stripping painless and to ensure success. Betsy is of the opinion that it can even be (gasp!) fun and oddly satisfying as the paper comes off in large sheets.  
And....spolier alert!
The secret to stripping wallpaper is PATIENCE and KEEPING THE PAPER WET! These two things will put you on the path to wallpaper stripping glory!  


EP35 – December 2, 2017: Kitchen Trends that Last, Head Lice 101, The Perfect Workshop, Dealing with Ice Dams!


Kitchen renovations are expensive. But if they’re done right, they’re worth it. Just make sure you do it right! Today we talk about some kitchen trends that always work! We also dig into the creepy, crawly topic of head lice. Sure, we didn’t want to talk about the, but if you’ve got school-age children, there’s a good chance you’ll be dealing with the stress of head lice in a classroom. When that happens, it’s good to know what you’re up against and how to protect your family! That and more on this episode!

Listen here:

Show notes for episode 035:

A kitchen update or renovation is expensive. However, if we do it right, the benefits will outweigh the costs. And if we do it right, we could even recoup nearly 70% of our investment if we'd sell. But...we've got to do it right! And with all the choices and decisions to make, it's easy to make a mistake along the way.

One of the most common mistakes people make in a kitchen is to get drawn into trends and fads--items and colors and styles that are new, unique, interesting...but which have limited staying power over the years!

On this segment, we talk about some tried and true kitchen trends that will never go out of style! Choose these items, these colors, these styles, and you won't be looking back 2 years from now wondering what you were thinking!

Well, this is a topic guaranteed to have you scratching your head. As unappealing as they are, head lice are worth talking about.

On this segment, we bust some common "Lice Myths" and then move on to provide you with a handful of preventative measures--little things you can do to keep your kids lice-free this school year!

Years ago Dan painted the dirty concrete floor of an old basement room. What started as a simple job turned into a full room repaint and resulted in a workroom anyone could be proud of! And, best of all, the new room also brought about a surprising effect: Dan spent a lot more time there, working on projects, learning how to do new things, getting more done. All because the room was enjoyable.

No matter how much work you do with tools, every home needs a good workshop. And the good news is that a great workshop is EASY to create. You just need the right paint and the right stain on the right surfaces!

So, in this segment, we talk about the products you'll need to make the perfect workshop in your own home!

Benjamin Moore's Scuff-X is Magic!

Every winter, ice dams become a problem for many homeowners. In this episode, we talk about why they form and then give you a couple ways to deal with them: solve them, or fix them as they arise. Both approaches have their place depending upon your situation.

Now, there were a lot of things we said we'd link to in these notes. Here it all is:


We mentioned a chart to determine the R-Value of the insulation in your attic. We've got it below along with a couple of articles that are worth checking out.
  • Fiberglass (blown): 2.2 – 2.9
  • Fiberglass (batts): 2.9 – 3.8
  • Cellulose (blown): 3.1 – 3.8
  • Rock Wool (loose): 2.2 – 3.3
  • Foam (sprayed): 3.6 – 8.2
Just measure the depth of your insulation, determine the material and the multiplier, and do the math! And here's an article highlighting how much insulation you should have.

Avalanche Roof Rakes

I've used a lot of different roof rakes as a homeowner and this is EASILY my favorite. You push the "rake" up the roof and it rolls on wheels, cutting the snow. Huge pieces then fall off your roof, sliding down the big plastic chute!

Sure, it takes some getting used to and yes, it's still work...but it's significantly better than any other rake I've ever used. And it's easier on the roof at that!

And below, in all it's glory, is the video Betsy referenced in the show.


EP34 – November 25, 2017: Stress-Free Holiday Decorating, Safety Tips from Holland DPS, and Drywall Patching and Touch-Up Tips!


Every day seems to bring new scam and fraud alerts. The news outlets tell us to be careful with our credit cards and identity. Facebook is full of posts warning us about some new scam that has us on edge every time we go to our inbox. That’s why we contacted the Holland Department of Public Safety. They will help us know what to look for, how to stay safe while out Christmas shopping, and a few other things many listeners probably don’t know. Their goal is to keep us safe so we can all have a Merry Christmas season.

Listen here:

Show notes for episode 034:

Christmas decorating can be very stressful. It can also seem stale. All too often we get stuck in a rut of putting the same decorations in the same spot year after year. If this sounds like you, maybe this is the year to try something different. Maybe it's the year to go "Scandinavian." Now this doesn't mean go out and buy all new decorations and take up new traditions. It simply means to scale down what you are doing. And, if you happen to be selling your house, this is the perfect way to highlight your home's best features while still having that Christmas feeling.
Every time we turn on the news, pick up a paper, or check Facebook, there seems to be a scam or fraud warning. Are they really something to worry about or just a lot of hype? It's the Christmas shopping season and we want to be sure that all of our listeners are safe at home, as well as when they leave the house. We sat down with Officer Dan Keuning and Officer Adam Sokolove of the Holland Department of Public Safety to get their thoughts on these warnings. They also have some ways to keep our homes and property safe while we enjoy all the season's festivities.
Officer Dan Keuning and Officer Adam Sokolove in our studio! Thanks for stopping by!
Do you have a wall in your home that has a hole from that time last year when the kids decided it would be a GOOD idea to play catch in the house?? Are you concerned that no matter how hard you try, everyone will be able to tell where you made the attempt to patch and paint the wall? We've been there before. We've left the hole because we simply didn't know how to fix it and have it blend in. We've got the tips on how to properly patch that hole in the drywall and then touch-up the paint so no one will ever know what happened. And if you teach the kids how to do this, you'll never need to know about another hole in the wall ever again!
