Lesson One In Furniture Refinishing: Pay Attention!

Who among us hasn’t seen those shows where they take some junky piece of furniture that seems destined for the trash heap and miraculously turn it into something incredible? Many of us WISH we could do that. They make it look so easy on TV!

Let the Treasure Hunt Begin!

Well, we decided to investigate how hard it really is to do something like that. So we began our search for the perfect piece to transform. And when we couldn’t find that perfect piece even remotely in our price range, we decided that any piece would do!

In the end, we found an old desk in a quiet (and dark) little secondhand shop. It looked perfect sitting in there, covered with assorted knick-knacks. The price was right and, quite honestly, someone else was eyeing it, so we snatched it up.

Riding back to our shop with the little desk in the back of the car, we were pleased with our find. And we talked about how we were going to trannsform this tired and dusty desk into a gloriously stained piece of fine furniture. We had big plans.

But, as they say, even the best laid plans…

See, it all started to fall apart when we actually looked at the piece in the light. We knew it was covered with peeling paint. But we hadn’t realized that the drawers would fall into a hundred pieces at the slightest tug and that huge chunks of the legs were missing from rot and water damage.

Lesson One: Pay Attention!

We had been in such a rush to find the perfect piece, we never took the time to inspect it as we should!

If you’re going to try your hand at furniture refinishing, the very first lesson to learn is not about the actual refinishing process at all. The first lesson is about the search!

Pay attention. Take your time. Look a piece over–even if it takes getting on the floor and looking at it from underneath. Check out the legs and the feet. Examine the hardware. Pull out the drawers. Do they slide easily? Are the joints tight? If not, will a little wood glue bring everything back together?

Look at the sides and inspect the veneer. Is it in good shape or are pieces missing?

Look for dings and dents in the wood. And don’t forget to look to see if the piece is truly made of wood at all! We’ve seen a number of people make this mistake, purchasing a laminated piece with the thoughts of stripping it and refinishing it. It’s an embarrassing mistake! Don’t make it.

All in all, take your time, pay attention, and examine the piece from top to bottom. You know your skill set. You know what you can fix and what you should leave for someone else. You don’t want to be surprised. Like we were!

Moving Forward

At any rate, surprised or not, there was only one direction for us to move: forward! After all, we’re stubborn. And we had paid good money for this thing. We weren’t quitting now. We were going to turn it into something cool if it killed us. But how? Check out the next post to find out!










EP56 – April 28, 2018: Fire Safety, Troubleshooting a Leaky Sink, Painting Rusty Metal


Today we sit down with Holland’s new Fire Marshal, Bret Groendyke to talk about fire safety. According to recent statistics, the number of fire deaths among people 60 and over is rising. We discuss why that could be happening and what we can do about it. We also talk about how to troubleshoot a leak under a kitchen sink, and how to paint a metal fence so you have perfect results every time!

Listen here:

Show notes for episode 056:

We are hoping this PSA saves lives. Or at least starts us on the way. We came across an alarming statistic that says 40% of fire deaths are those over 60. And that number is climbing. The great thing is, there are things we can do for ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbors to bring this number back down.

We are lucky enough to be joined in the studio by Holland's new Fire Marshal, Bret Groendyke. Bret's goal is to make people aware of simple things most of us have never thought about, that can actually save lives in the event of a fire. We didn't know there is actually maintenance that has to be done on a smoke detector. These segments are absolutely worth a listen!

Ok, we've all been there, right? We pull the trash can from under the sink and the trash is actually floating. We are instantly filled with dread and terror. How did this happen?!?! Where did all this water come from?!?! How much is this going to cost???

Well, we know the water came from somewhere in the sink area.....obviously. But we don't know specifically where. We are left wising we could figure out what's going on, without calling the plumber. Maybe it's an easy fix. And when the plumber comes and tells us how simple the problem is, we feel a bit foolish.

So we decided to take matters into our own hands and give you a few ways you can troubleshoot the problem, before calling the plumber. Maybe you can fix it, maybe you can't. But you certainly feel good knowing you identified the problem on your own!

We got a great questions from a listen about painting a rusty steel fence. He is replacing the posts with wood but something HAS to be done with the steel. He'd like a paint solution and, of course, we have a great one! It's a solution that can be used with almost any steel you would want to paint.


EP55 – April 21, 2018: Silicone Caulk, GFCIs, and Thomas Jefferson: Interior Designer

This show has a little of everything! We talk about GFCIs and why those little buttons should actually be used. We talk about a couple new electrical gadgets. And one will save you money if you have kids! And because Dan needs his own segment, we have a great one called Use With Caution. And finally, we are airing the last segment from last week because it didn’t air due to technical difficulties. It was too good to let slip by!

Listen here:

Show notes for episode 055:

Betsy has her own segment so it's only fair that Dan should have his own, right? That's why we are introducing a new segment, very appropriately named, "Use With Caution!"

In this segment we tackle silicone caulk. A lot of people think caulk is just caulk and that the more water resistant it is, the better. However, we recommend using it with caution for a reason! If you use it for the wrong application, the consequences can be almost tragic.

We might not all know that GFCI outlets can actually save our lives. Any place that has water present should have them. We also might not be aware that those little buttons in the middle of the outlet should actually be pushed regularly to test the outlet.

In the studio with us to explain the finer points of GFCIs is Brad Krause, Master Electrician and owner of Service Professor. And don't think they only do electrical! They do everything from heating and cooling, plumbing, and electrical to air duct cleaning (that's duct NOT duck!). And they have outstanding customer service. There's a reason these guys (and ladies) get stellar reviews!

Last week we had some "technical difficulties" and segment 4 didn't air. The problem is, the segment was too good for people NOT to hear it! Who knew that Thomas Jefferson was such an amazing interior decorator?!

EP54 – April 14, 2018: Home Repair Services, Solving Paint Problems with the Right Info, and Thomas Jefferson: Interior Designer

Today we interview Joel Ruiter from Home Repair Services in Grand Rapids. It’s a remarkably non-profit organization who’s mission is to help homeowners of all income brackets maintain and improve their homes! We’ll also be talking with RepcoLite’s president, Dan Altena, regarding a paint question that came in on our Facebook page. And finally, we’ll wrap up with a little decorating segment built around our 3rd President, Thomas Jefferson!

Listen here:

Show notes for episode 054:

Joel Ruiter, the Executive Director of Home Repair Services, stops by to talk about just one of the many programs they offer: the Remodeling Together program. It's an incredibly unique (and almost too-good-to-be-true) program that helps homeowners install brand new kitchen cabinets and counters in their home for as little as $1300! If you're in Kent county, you NEED to check out this segment!

And just to give you a taste of what they can help you do, here are a couple of before and after shots of regular folks who updated their kitchens:

Sometimes a paint problem is straightforward. The answer is clear. However, there are other times when a wide variety of causes could be at the root of the issue!

When that's the case, we need as much information as possible to help you find a resolution. Today, we're joined in the studio by Dan Altena, president of RepcoLite Paints, to discuss just what information you should bring with you to the paint store whenever a frustrating problem arises!

Spring is apparently never coming. And so we decided to talk about the perfect color to add some warmth and energy to your walls! Interestingly enough, Thomas Jefferson looms large in this talk about yellow!

Yellow Inspired By Thomas Jefferson


EP53 – April 7, 2018: Cleaning Garbage Bins, Painting Over Bright Colors, Must-Have Paint Tools, Vinyl Replacement Windows 101

Today’s show starts with an introduction to a remarkably unique service! ECO-190 Degrees will clean out your garbage bins on a regular basis! It’s quick, simple, inexpensive, and will have your garage smelling rosy year-round! We’ll also be discussion how you can easily paint over those bright colors your kids wanted on their bedroom walls when they were 9; some of the must-have painting tools you . . . well, need to have; and finally, we’ll be cutting through the chaos of choosing vinyl replacement windows!

Listen here:

Show notes for episode 053:

Today we're in the studio with Tim Folkerts from ECO-190 Degrees. Tim's company offers a unique service built around the concept that nobody likes stinky garbage cans. We think Tim's right in that thinking and we absolutely love the service!

Check out the video below demonstrating how it works:

In this segment we answer a question from a customer who's trying to quickly and effectively paint over some bright colors in her daughter's bedroom.

Turns out, when her daughter's tastes changed dramatically as she grew up! And this is no surprise. However, what can be surprising is that with the RIGHT paint product, painting over those colors can be easier than you think!

It's another "Betsy's Toolbox" segment and Betsy dishes out her most recommended paint tools!

The world of vinyl replacement windows can be confusing. Which ones are right for you? Which features matter the most? Is it really worth the extra money?

We sit down with George Clark from WMGB Home Improvement to get the lowdown and what windows are right for you!

EP52 – March 31, 2018: Concrete Lifting, Spring Projects, Renovate or Move, Avoid Common Paint Problems


We’ve all been there. You love your home, but there are some things you’d like to change. Your family is outgrowing the house you live in. A little more elbow room and an extra bathroom would really help the morning chaos.  And then there’s the maintenance. All the little things that keep piling up. And you are left with the question: do you renovate or just move? You can sell your house, but will you really gain anything? Will you get everything you’re looking for? Is it better to just renovate? There are a few questions you can answer that will help you decide.

Listen here:

Show notes for episode 052:

Spring will eventually come to stay. And when it does, don't stop thinking about the pain you endured this past winter when you continually impaled yourself as your shovel hit the edge of the uneven concrete. Don't wait until next winter to remember the pain. Fix it now!

Andy Van Dyke from VDC has the solution for those pieces of sunken concrete. The best news is, it's way cheaper than we would have imagined.

Have you ever gotten your mower out to cut the grass for the first time in the spring, only to find that it will only bend your grass and not actually cut it? Have you ever turned on your AC, only to find that it refuses to blow cold air? How frustrating on a 90° day!

All of these things can be avoided! We've compiled a list of spring projects that you can do right now. Today. It doesn't even have to be warm to do them.

Most homeowners have been in the position where their family has grown and the house doesn't seem big enough. Or maybe someone in the family has a new job and they are working from home...on the dining room table. Life changes make us re-evaluate our house and whether it's working for us. But don't lose sight of the fact that your house is more than just the structure. It's your neighborhood, street, schools, and so much more.

But don't think that just because life changes you have to move. Maybe a renovation will give you exactly what you're looking for. We've got some things to consider that will help you decide if you should renovate or whether it's just time to move.

It's a bad day when you run into a problem in the middle of a paint project. It's even worse if you discover a problem at the END of a paint project. And many of the problems that people have while painting are very common. That means there are ways to avoid them!

To help keep us all from making those mistakes, we're sitting down with our Territory Representative from Benjamin Moore, Kevin Hermann. He's seen just about everything  and can help keep our next paint project rolling smoothly.