EP125: Direct to Metal Paints and the Saw Stop Table Saw


Segments 2 & 3: Direct-to-Metal Paint

DTM paints, as the name suggests, are meant for application directly to metal surfaces. And yet, there are a vast number of rust inhibitive primers on the market. When is a DTM the right choice for a project and when is there a better option?

We sit down with Dan Altena, the President of RepcoLite Paints to discuss!

Segment 4: The Saw Stop Table Saw

Anyone who’s worked with a table saw has had, at one point or another, visions of tragedy and potential lost digits. It’s a real concern in wood working, because, as we all know: accidents happen so fast!

That’s what makes the Saw Stop system so intriguing! It’s a table saw that is designed to detect flesh and stop the blade in less than 5 milliseconds. Fast enough to change a life-altering injury into a small cut! Check out the links and the video below!

EP123: Importance of Good Design and Water Softeners


Segments 1 & 2: Importance of Good Design

Good design is important not only in our homes, but also in our work places. Good design makes us want to shop at the places we shop and not dread going to work in the morning.

To discuss how important design in, Jennifer Butler and Andy Yates of Jennifer Butler Design in Grand Rapids have dropped in. As always, we had a great time!

Segments 3 & 4: Water Softeners

We’ve probably all had at least one occasion where the water we out in a glass looks or smells funny. And those can be caused by any number of things. The great news is that a water softener can filter out many things AND save us money at the same time.

Tom Duisterhof, VP of Gordon Water Systems in Grand Rapids, walks us through what we need to know about water softeners and how much they’ll improve some of the little things in life.


EP122: Natural Weed Killer, Deck Stains, and the Hackley & Hume Homes


Segment 1: Natural Weed Killer

Betsy is always on the hunt for ways to take care of garden problems without resorting to chemicals. We all know they work great, but then we have to be careful with pets and kids.

The good news is that there are recipes for natural weed killer and pest repellants that actually work. Betsy tried them and they worked great…at least for what she did!

Weed Killer

  • 1 gallon vinegar
  • 1 cup salt
  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 2 Tbsp dish soap

Mix all in a pump up garden sprayer and go to town!

The weed problem before……

The weed problem less than 12 hours later!!

Natural Garden Pest Repellant

  • Garlic (I had 5 cloves left from dinner), diced
  • An onion, diced
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Boiling water (I used about 4-6 cups)
  • Dish soap

Put first 3 ingredients in a large bowl or saucepan and pour in boiling water. Cover with tinfoil (if you skip this, you’ll be sad. And don’t invite the neighbors over while you’re doing this. The smell travels). Let sit until completely cool. Strain and pour into spray bottle and and add a little bit of dish soap. This is very unscientific. The dish soap helps the mixture stick to the leaves. Spray the plants that are being eaten. I used it on bean plants that bug were chewing all the leaves from. It worked great for that!

Segment 2: Deck Stains

OK, so we know there can be confusion when it comes to choosing deck stains. A solid color deck stain is commonly mistaken for a paint. And is a semi-transparent really better than a transparent or toner deck stain? We’re walking you through the maze of deck stains.

Segments 3 & 4: Hackley & Hume Homes

The last time we talked about the Hackley & Hume Homes, Dan and Betsy did their best to describe the homes and a bit of their history. Now it’s time to get the real history scoop, why the homes are important and some of the programs for the rest of the year. To do this, we’ve invited Erin Schmitz, Program Manager, and Aaron Mace, Assistant Program Manager, from Hackley & Hume to give us all the details. For details on upcoming programs, times, and costs, visit their website.