Hooked on a Feeling

These days we’re all looking for comfort. And that comfort comes in all different forms. For some people, it’s the smell of cookies or bread filling the house. For others it’s curling up with a pet or loved one. And for some, it’s hobbies forgotten long ago but recently rediscovered.

Comfort can be found in colors, textures, and patterns. And color doesn’t have to be boring to be comforting. Sometimes we think neutrals are comfortable because it’s what we’re used to. But these blues, greens, and pale lavender can seem neutral when used in just the right way.

This soft yarn, with it’s pale green color, was crocheted into a warm pair of mittens. And although the season for this type of thing may be over, they can still bring comfort. There is a sense that no matter how bad things may seem, we can still create something beautiful, learn new things, feel a sense of accomplishment, and be comforted by the simple things.


EP154: Picking Colors from Home, Bacteria in the Kitchen, & the State of Real Estate


Segment 1: The Benjamin Moore Color Portfolio App

We've seen a lot of apps for paints colors, but Benjamin Moore's new Color Portfolio app is one of the best! And it couldn't have come out at a better time. With this app, you can literally sit at home and scroll through all of the Benjamin Moore color decks! Better yet, you can upload photos of your room and digitally apply the paint to your walls! Best of all? It's free! The links are below:

Segment 2: The Bacteria Hiding in our Kitchens

In our conversation about bacteria hiding in the kitchen, we mentioned an excellent cleaner. We will do a full segment on it in the future, but for your reference, it's Spray Nine Heavy Duty Cleaner, Degreaser, and Disinfectant.

Segments 3 & 4: The Current State of Real Estate

With the Governor's Stay Home order, there's a lot of concern and confusion. We sat down with Sue Prins and Ginger Herman from Sue Prins Group Five Star Real Estate Leaders to talk about the impact the shut down is having and will continue to have on the housing market. The good news is that they are seeing very positive signs!


Check out the interview for more info!

If you have more questions for Sue or Ginger, they'd love to talk to you: 616-723-2400.

AND a BONUS interview from Sue discussing the differences between what we're seeing now and the recession of 2008:


BONUS Segment 5: The Book We Need Right Now!

Everything is upside down right now it seems, so we decided to start adding a bonus segment to every show. For a while at least. And our goal is to talk about something fun and light. This week, we ring up Dan's cousin Ben Velderman to talk about a book that Ben made Dan read a long time ago. It's All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot and it's the perfect escape from the world. At least for a while! Check out the bonus segment and, as we mentioned, here's a link to book on Amazon! Happy Reading!

Reclaimed Space


This photo is from up north where this small shed (Mom’s “potting shed”) and old water pump sits in the middle of nowhere. It’s always intriguing to see how nature reclaims the spaces we once thought belonged to us. Given just a bit of time, balance and harmony are restored. The new life blends away into the old.

That is where we find ourselves. The new way of life blends into the old. More time for family and our favorite past times.

These colors mimic life. The tans and beiges that have always been staple colors are given a spark of new life with the infusion of spring green. The new blends into the old and a new story is created. And that can be comforting because although it’s new, it’s also very familiar.

Sunny Faces Forward

This is a photo taken last spring. This year is very different. But for all the ways this spring isn’t the same, it will still be so much like every other spring. Sunny, sweet smelling flowers will still bloom. The colors they bring will infuse light into the gray world. The sun will shine when the rain stops. And warm days will replace the chilly ones.

Gray is a great backdrop for these brighter colors. Like these flowers, the colors are meant to be accents. They’re meant to give new life to a space. The green is calming, while the splashes of yellow and pink bring warmth and smiles.

EP153: Seeing The World (From Home), Tools Explained, What To Do In A Roof Emergency, Quick Projects for the Self-Quarantined


Segment 1: Seeing the World, Without Leaving Home

There are literally thousands of websites that have opened up the world to those of us isolated at home! Many of them are subscription based sites that have lifted their restrictions and are allowing free access. Betsy goes through just a few of them. Below, we've got our choices for some of the best locations to check out!

Segment 2: Tools Explained

Tools make our lives so much easier! But, from time to time (and sometimes more often), our use of them backfires! Here's a great article that highlights the humor/pain we all experience at least once in a while when we pick up that pliers or swing that hammer!

Segment 3: Dealing With Roof Emergencies

We sit down with Matt Williams and Jake Harmon from Sherriff Goslin Roofing to talk about what you need to do in a roof emergency! There's a lot of great info in the interview, but here are the details. If a tree falls on your roof (or something along those lines), here's what you need to do in the first 20 minutes:

  • Immediately call your insurance agent and let him/her know what happened.
  • Contact a professional company
    • Tree Removal
    • Roof Companies
    • Tarping Companies
  • Get someone on site to help you walk through the insurance claim

Check out the interview for more info!

If you have more questions for the experts from Sherriff Goslin, they'd love to talk to you: 231-798-7783. Or you can go to sherriffgoslinmuskegon.com

Segment 4: Quick Projects for the Self-Isolated!

We're living in crazy times and we don't know exactly how everything will shake out or when. But right now, lots of us are finally getting around to the projects that have piled up in our homes over the last few years. Here are a few of our favorites!