EP156: The Story Behind the Closet (and More), Isaac Newton’s Year of Quarantine, Peel and Stick Wallpaper Projects


Segments 1 and 2: The Story of the Closet (and more)

Who knew that certain extremely common elements in our homes came about because people were concerned about sanitation, cleanliness, and avoiding deadly germs? Who knew? Betsy. And she digs into all of it in these two segments.

Segment 3: Isaac Newton's "Year" of Quarantine

Being in self-isolation ourselves, it's possible we can draw some inspiration from people in the past who've lived through similar experiences. Well, one such person who's been all over the internet recently is Isaac Newton. There are tons of stories talking about Newton's "Miracle Year" or his "Year of Wonders" where he basically dreamed up every major idea he ever had while in quarantine from the Great Plague in 1665.

Well.... It's a great story. But the truth is a little different than some of the accounts we've all been reading. Check it out!

Segments 4: Peel and Stick Wallpaper

One of our favorite advancements in the world of home decorating is Peel and Stick wallpaper. It may sound like a gimmick or like a weird, unworkable, and ridiculous product, but it's absolutely as cool as you might be able to imagine if you try very hard! It is unique, versatile, priced well, and so easy to work with!  Betsy has a few ideas about how you can incorporate it inn your home. And we've got a few pictures just to show you some of the (many) patterns available!

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Feeling Peckish

Sometimes the cure for being scared is waiting just outside your window. Sometimes it’s the unexpected. Nature has a way of making everything better, if only for a moment. It doesn’t always take bright colored, beautiful flowers. And it doesn’t have to be a warm spring breeze. Sometimes all it takes is a quick, cheeky look from a small bird who’s meal has been interrupted by your gaze. Sometimes that is enough to banish the fear and inspire strength.

This color palette is traditional, yet strong. We take our cues from nature and mix and match them for the perfect look every time.

Old Wood Boat

Shhhh. Be still and listen. She has a story to tell. A tale of days long gone. A story of lazy days and adventure. A story of how she came to sit in this place, forgotten and falling apart. She’s been waiting to be found. Waiting for someone to see the possibilities and the beauty that could be. She’s waiting for someone to take that first step and return her to the life she once knew. Her bones are good but she needs someone to care.

Even now, her colors are soft and subtle. They’re at the same time cool, but also warm and inviting. They can inspire dreams. She’s just an old wood boat. But she’s waiting for the dust to be blown off and the new adventure to begin.

Watercolor Sky

Sometimes you come across a scene that seems to have so much organization and structure compared to the rest of the chaos that surrounds us. It seems like the perfect watercolor painting; one color expertly blended into the next. And the perfect painting is accompanied by the melodic sounds of soft, gentle moos from the cows in the field below. They’re calling their calves to their sides for protection from the night. Oh, to be able to paint a feeling, a sound, a moment in time.

Although we can’t always live in a painting, we can go back to that feeling. We can color the world around us with reminders of that scene. And it doesn’t take much to do that. Just tiny splashes from a master’s palette will take use back to that perfect watercolor sky.

EP155: Quarantine Prep for Projects, Deck Questions, & Renovation Loans


Segment 1: Quarantine Prep for Projects

We've been getting a lot of questions about prep work people can do now, with the supplies they have on hand, for a project they'll do when they can go out again. We got the most common project questions.

Segment 2: Deck Questions

We also know that a lot of people have been thinking about doing their deck, now that the weather has shown us some warmer, sunny days. But there are a few things to consider before you just jump right in.

Segments 3 & 4: Renovation Loans

There's a special loan out there for people looking to buy a house that may need a bit of fixing up. We have never heard of it before and we're guessing a lot of other people haven't either! Jen Aalderink and Amanda Lehman from Stockton Mortgage fill us in on the details of this special loan and exactly how it works.