Floral Sea

This is not a normal sea. It is a sea full of sturdy stalks, topped by blooms of every imaginable color, trumpeting the arrival of spring. They stretch as far as the eye can see, fading from one color into the next. The blooms beckon to onlookers as they sway in the gentle breeze.

The heritage of these simple, elegant blooms is centuries old. For over 500 years they’ve slowly poked through the cold, damp earth, announcing to all the world that the season has changed and new life is beginning.


There is a place, long since forgotten by time. A place where the blowing grass grows tall around an open doorway. What secrets does it hold? Why is it empty and deserted? It’s a place where your imagination can run wild.

And the place HAS run wild. It’s wild with animals and plants and bugs. They’ve taken it over. Reclaimed it. Made it their home. It’s shelter from the wind that howls across the wide open spaces in winter. In some ways this place has been forgotten, but in others, it has just been discovered.

Peaceful Serenity

This is home. There is something so calming about the big lake. The waves carry your troubles away as they roll back out. The air smells different here. The breeze feels different. And it’s nothing but water as far as the eye can see. Footprints are made in the smooth sand, then quickly washed away with crashing waves.

Children and adults alike scour the beach, searching for that infamous stone. A little bit of luck and an eagle eye is all it takes.  There is nothing quite like the feeling of this calm hunt. It’s just you and the lake and your thoughts, together in this peaceful serenity.

EP159: Lawn Mower Tune-Up, Spring/Summer Design Trends, Deck Materials, and Hardwood Deck Coatings


Segments 1: Lawn Mower Tune-Up

The snow has been gone for a while and with all the rain we've had, it might be time to mow your grass. And, because we're all stuck at home, it's the perfect time to tune up you mower before you need it. We cover the tune-up portion in the show but here are some other things you might want to consider doing as long as you're at it.


  • Scrape off grass caked on underside of mower deck
  • Brush off grass clippings, etc.
  • Be careful about using too much even with the clean out ports
  • And let it run a few minutes after you’ve done that.
  • Also, you could apply an automotive wax to the deck to potentially stop grass from sticking there — 
    • But you’re better off to just not mow when it’s  wet if you can help it.



  • Slow the deterioration down
  • Wire brush the rust, clean it up
  • RepcoLite’s 449 Metal Primer and Met’l Clad can be used



  • Use a spray lubricant on the front wheel adjusters
  • Grease the wheel bearings as necessary


  • Do the maintenance — it’s a huge investment
  • Consult the owners manual for the recommended steps and procedures specific to your equipment
  • Look online if you don’t have one
  • Check YouTube for How-Tos

Segment 2: Spring/Summer Design Trends from High Point

With the current COVID-19 pandemic, High Point, NC didn't hold their annual spring market this year. But don't worry, we've got you covered! And just a heads up, don't throw everything in your basement away because you think it's out of style. That old wicker peacock chair from the 60's and 70's....yup! Back. In. Style!

Segment 3: Deck Materials

We sat down with Jason Slenk, one of the owners of Overisel Lumber in Holland, before the pandemic to talk about the different decking materials that are available.

Segment 4: Hardwood Deck Coating

Following our conversation with Jason, we decided it might be beneficial to discuss what type of stain to put on a hardwood deck and what to do if you have an old Trex deck that has seen better days after years of fade.



Slow and Steady

This little turtle was a backyard staple. He was always there, wandering five acres of tall grass. You could tell it was him from the battle scars on his shell. Sometimes he was scared and shrank back into his shell like a kid hiding under the bed. But most of the time he just explored the world we shared.

He seemed so confident, out there for a slow stroll. It was as if he owned this land. It was his slice of heaven. And how could I blame him? I loved that land too. We were  bonded by  love for the same small patch of earth.

Wonderland Mushroom

Sometimes we feel a bit like Alice. Like we’ve chased a white rabbit down a hole and don’t recognize the world in which we’ve landed. It’s a strange and confusing place. Sometimes it’s a place where things just don’t make sense and we wonder how exactly we’ve ended there.

But have no fear. Jump in and learn from the journey. Sometimes we have to make the most out of the situations we find ourselves in. That’s how we grow and learn who we truly are and what we’re made of. It’s often where we learn what’s really important to us.

So come on! Let’s have our Alice moment. Let’s take advice from a blue caterpillar on a mushroom and try something new.