Last Day

It was the last day in the mountains. The end of the trip was just hours away. Little did I know there were still a few spectacular sights waiting for me.

As we rounded the bend, there it was. The sun, just beginning to set behind the mountain peak across from us. It felt like it had waited for me. It had waited to shine its last, golden rays and create a halo around the mountain as it slipped silently, quickly,  from view.

EP166: Deck and Dock On Sale, Dating the Navy Seal Way

SEGMENT 1: Is Beading Water the Best Sign Your Deck Coating is Working?

0:00 – 6:48

There’s a company and a product that’s built around the idea and the image of water beading on a deck after a rain. And yet, surprisingly, those water beads might actually spell trouble for your deck!

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SEGMENTS 2, 3, & 4: Joe Kuhns, Dating Professional

6:49 –  38:58

Well, this is one for the books. We’ve tackled a lot of topics that stray somewhat from the “Home Improvement” theme. But this one, strays a little further than most! But it was such a good conversation, we wanted to air it.

Joe Kuhns from Coverdown Consulting (and retired Navy Seal) sits down with us to talk about some dating questions Dan had regarding his teenagers. And Joe hit it out of the park!

Pumpkin Patch

Ah, fall. The days get shorter and there’s a bite in frosty air. Sweaters are required for walks through the garden that was so full of life just a month before. But don’t lament the loss just yet. For bright spots of orange dot the brown landscape.

The pumpkin patch is alive and well. It lifts the spirits of those who carefully pick their way between those giant, orange spheres. It is one last patch of life before the world is covered in a blanket of white.

Shoot for the Moon

Sometimes in life it feels like we’re climbing a mountain. And it feels like that mountain is so tall, we’ll never reach the top. We get tired. We ache. And we want to give up half way through the climb.

But don’t give in. Keep climbing with every ounce of strength. Because the view from the top is incredible. There is nothing quite like it. And once you’ve conquered the mountain, you can shoot for the moon. Because it’s not that far out of reach.

All Is Calm

There is something about stained glass that is so awe inspiring. Someone painstakingly selected each and every one of those pieces of glass. Masterful hands chose the subtle variations of color and texture to bring the work to life. They cut and precisely fit together every piece of glass.

And when pieces seamlessly come together, they tell a brilliant story. One filled with color and life. One that will take your breath away as you gaze at the mastery before you.