Make a to-do list that works

How to Make a To-Do List That Works


A lot of us create to-do lists, but the trick to getting things done is to make a to-list that really works. Often, when we list everything we have to do for a given project or even a given day, we end up with enormous lists. These big lists overwhelm us and paralyze us. We don’t know where to start, so we many times don’t start. But there’s a better way. And that’s to make a to-do list that actually works. 

Recently, while prepping for an episode of the RepcoLite Home Improvement Show (catch the episode here!) we ran into that overwhelming feeling. Our plan was simple. We wanted to list all the fall projects that homeowners should tackle to make sure our homes are ready for winter. However, what was supposed to be a simple list with some bite-sized projects turned into more pages than we wanted to count! It was too big, too overwhelming . . . and yet all of it was important stuff that we couldn’t cut.

Here’s how we took that massive list of jobs and made it into a to-do list that actually works! And here’s the really good news: this will work for every single to-do list you ever make!


We had a massive list of jobs and by the time we were reading page three, our heads were spinning. So, took that big list and broke it up into several smaller lists. Doing this was a game-changer!

Try it! Take that way-too-big to-do list you’ve created and turn it into several smaller daily or weekly to-do’s. When you make it smaller and more manageable, you’ll be amazed how do-able it starts to feel. And feeling that you can actually do it is half the battle!


An easy mistake to make when it comes to a big to-do list is to plan on tackling all of the work on the weekend. It’s a mistake for a number of reasons. For one thing, it means you’ll spend all week feeling “project dread” as you look ahead to the weekend.

For another thing, saving all the work for a weekend often results in projects that take much longer than anticipated. For example, I’ve often started projects on the weekend only to find that I don’t have everything I need. Then I’m off to the store on a quest for parts or tools and the 2 hour project I thought I had is now something much more time consuming!

Avoid that at all costs. Instead, ease up your weekend and eliminate “project dread” by tackling smaller items from your list during the week. Accumulate your parts, double check that you’ve got the right tools, do small amounts of prep work. Every little project you tackle during the work week is time off your project at the end of the week. And, it will mean that when you’re ready to start on Saturday, you’re really ready to start! 


This is the same concept as what we covered above in Tip #1–it’s just that now you’re doing this with each large project. (And it makes Tip #2 much easier to visualize and enact!)

What we’re getting at here is this: instead of writing the big job of “Clean the Windows” on your list, instead write down:

  • Gather Window Cleaning Supplies
  • Remove Screens
  • Clean Front Windows
  • Clean Back Windows.

To-do lists that actually work are lists that turn that one big project into its smaller, component parts. Yes, it’s a bit of a mind-game you’re playing with yourself, but it really works. You may not have time and energy to clean all the windows after a work day, but you probably have the 15 minutes it will take to gather the supplies you need and place them all in a bucket or box in the garage.

Sure it was only 15 minutes of gathering . . . but it’s 15 minutes you won’t have to do on Saturday. Take the next day and get the screens down and by the time Saturday rolls around . . . you’ve got a jumpstart on the project and it’s much easier to accomplish. Secondarily, you’ve also already started it–which makes it much less likely to be a project you put off for another week!


If all that sounds good, but you’re still having trouble getting yourself moving during the week, try tip #4. Set a 10 minute or 15 minute timer and tackle those small items on your list every day. Work as fast as you can and quit when the timer goes off.

It’s a great way to get large jobs accomplished in chunks that feel painless. I stumbled onto this when I stared at my work bench that was a complete disaster. I’d been lazy and negligent and now I had to pay the piper. I was looking at easily a few hours worth of work–or so it seemed at that point–and I couldn’t find the energy to do it.

So it sat there, night after night, nagging me like projects do. Then, one evening I had a brainstorm. I got home from work and dinner wasn’t going to be ready for 15 minutes. I figured I’d do as much organizing on the work bench as I could before the tacos were ready. I made more progress than I figured I would and so the next night, I did the same thing . . . only this time with a timer set for 15 minutes. The second the buzzer went off, I flipped off the lights and went on with the fun part of my night.

I did this every evening that whole week and by the time I flipped the lights off on Friday, the work bench was perfect. I’d spent an hour and fifteen minutes worth of work, but I did it in painless fifteen minutes chunks. Try it! It really works!


There are more ways to make your to-do lists actually work. Those are four that have helped us have great results. What about you? Let us know in the comments if you have any brilliant tricks to getting things crossed off your lists!

Win Some Decorating Bucks Now Through October 28!

We’ve all had this experience, I’m sure: you head to the grocery store to pick up a few extras for dinner. It should be simple. It should be cheap. I mean you need butter. And maybe bacon. Anyway . . . you snag the items you need, see a couple more basic food items you could use, grab some sandwich meat because the kids are back in school and you head to the self-checkout lanes. A few beeps and scans later and the screen’s telling you that somehow you owe the grocery store $79.84. How??

Everything adds up fast right now. But we can help a little bit–at least with your painting projects!

Now through October 28, we’ll be giving away (2) $100 gift certificates on every airing of the RepcoLite Home Improvement Show. But, you’ve got to listen to the broadcast live in order to have a chance to win. Here’s how you do that:

West Michigan Listeners

  • Catch the show every Saturday morning from 8-9 AM
  • Wood Radio — 1300 AM and 106.9 FM

East Side Listeners

  • Catch the show every Saturday morning from 6-7 AM
  • Detroit’s Wheels WLLZ — 106.7 FM
  • Catch the show every Saturday morning from 7-8 AM
  • WDTK the Patriot — 1400 AM and 101.5 FM

Making Christmas Brighter with Angel Tree

Christmas is rapidly approaching! And while that fills many of us with excitement and anticipation, there are many families in our community who will struggle. Angel Tree is a ministry run by the Salvation Army that allows us to help make Christmas a bit brighter by connecting Christmas gifts with kids and teens in our area who otherwise would possibly not have received anything this year.

There are a lot of good causes out there to give to, but Angel Tree is really a great “hands-on” experience. Rather than simply donating money, you and your family head to any organization hosting an Angel Tree (see links below), pick out a tag or two (or three) from the tree, and then head to the store to buy a gift!

This year my family got involved with Angel Tree for the first time in a number of years. My youngest daughter went shopping with me and had a lot of fun (and spent a fair amount of time) strolling through the toy aisles, trying to decide on the perfect choice for a 7 year old girl. She was involved in the process and that made her more aware of the needs out there. Also, it helped her become part of one little way of helping.This year, RepcoLite is hosting Angel Trees at 4 of our locations:

  • The 17th Street Store in Holland (473 W. 17th Street)
  • The Byron Center Store (860 84th St. SW, Suite 2)
  • The Broadmoor Ave. Store (2840 Broadmoor Ave SE)
  • The Fulton Street Store (912 Fulton St. SE)
There are also TONS of other locations with trees. We don’t care where you get the tags–just go out and grab a tag! The need is bigger this year than it has been in previous years–even during the height of the pandemic. Please help us make Christmas a bit brighter for the kids in our community!

Quick “Before-the-Holidays-Arrive” Projects

The 2023 Holiday Season is officially here . . . and of course, that means everyone is rushing out to tackle a full-home repaint, right? Well, not really. At least not most of us!

Typically, around this time of year, there are other things that keep our minds and money occupied. However, there are a lot of small-investment (both time and money) projects that can pay off BIG in your home. They might be the perfect thing to give your home a needed pick-me-up as you get ready to entertain guests and enjoy family time. 

Here are just a couple projects we’re highlighting from the RepcoLite Home Improvement Show which airs every Saturday morning at 8 AM on Wood Radio, 1300 AM and 106.9 FM.

Paint the Fireplace

Painting a brick fireplace is a big commitment but it also makes a giant impact on a space. We have talked about projects like this in the past so we decided to tackle it ourselves and LOVE the results. Check out the two segments below for more info on this great project:

0:00 / 0:00
Fireplace Repaint, Part 1
0:00 / 0:00
Fireplace Repaint, Part 2

Paint the INTERIOR of your Entry Door

We typically give tons of thought to the exterior of our entry doors . . . but rarely does the interior side get that same attention! That’s a shame because the right color on the entry door can really add some pop to your entry! Check out our conversation on what colors are fair game when it comes to the inside of your entry door:

0:00 / 0:00
Colors for Interior Doors

Episode 264: The Butter Zone, Peel-n-Stick Wallpaper Recant, EGO Yard Equipment Revisited, The Saugatuck Antique Pavilion

SEGMENT 1: Ticks

It’s already tick season! They’re gross and their annoying and dangerous . . . but you can avoid them. As long as you’ve got the right info!

SEGMENTS 2 and 3: Common Paint Questions

At we have a chat function–like most websites. However, ours is manned entirely by one guy who’s always ready with an answer! Peter Ogle runs the chat from 8 AM to 9 PM every weekday and he will go to ridiculous lengths to help customers get the answers they need. Today we talk with Peter about a few of the most common questions he gets. And, he regals us with a story of his most epic chat.

SEGMENT 4: Going Down the Rabbit Hole

Coming up on June 1, RepcoLite is hosting our premier yearly event: Down the Rabbit Hole: Finding, and being found by, the next new idea. It’s all about creativity and learning how to reignite and recharge your own! And, it’s also about free wine and desserts! If you’re in the area and would like to join us, you can learn more and secure your tickets here!

Episode 260: Ticks, Common Paint Questions, and Going Down the Rabbit Hole

SEGMENT 1: Ticks

It’s already tick season! They’re gross and their annoying and dangerous . . . but you can avoid them. As long as you’ve got the right info!

SEGMENTS 2 and 3: Common Paint Questions

At we have a chat function–like most websites. However, ours is manned entirely by one guy who’s always ready with an answer! Peter Ogle runs the chat from 8 AM to 9 PM every weekday and he will go to ridiculous lengths to help customers get the answers they need. Today we talk with Peter about a few of the most common questions he gets. And, he regals us with a story of his most epic chat.

SEGMENT 4: Going Down the Rabbit Hole

Coming up on June 1, RepcoLite is hosting our premier yearly event: Down the Rabbit Hole: Finding, and being found by, the next new idea. It’s all about creativity and learning how to reignite and recharge your own! And, it’s also about free wine and desserts! If you’re in the area and would like to join us, you can learn more and secure your tickets here!