EP104: Decorating a Nursery With A Blogger and Ride2Decide With Service Professor


Segment 1 & 2: Decorating a Baby Nursery

Recently, we had a blogger get in touch with us. Her name is Sara Pen and she’s recently been in one of our stores as she tackles major changes to her home. She just finished her nursery and it is absolutely amazing! Sara has agreed to let us tag along for the rest of her home projects but first, let’s get to know this DIY wonder.

If you would like to follow Sara’s journey, you can check out her blog or follow her on Instagram: saraowenpen.

Segment 3 & 4: Ride2Decide

If you’ve been paying attention to the new lately, you may have seen people like Mike Row encouraging kids to go into the trades. You may also noticed or heard that there is a major shortage of skilled labor in areas like plumbing, electrical, HVAC, construction, etc. And, let’s face it, not every kid is meant to go to college. Some would rather get straight to work.

We recently had a discussion with Service Professor President, Brad Krause, about the lack of help in these fields. That’s why Brad has started a program called Ride2Decide. This program will allow kids to try out a day in one of the Service Professor trades. It’s a very cool program and one we encourage high school kids to check out. You can email Service Professor at ride2decide@serviceprofessor.com for more information, or check out their Facebook page.

EP102: Journey to 17th Street, Dealing With Bats, and Color Muse!

Segment 1: Journey to 17th Street

We think each of our stores has something that makes them unique. Each one has something that sets them apart from other paint stores, so we’ve decided to give each of them a turn in the spotlight throughout the year. And the logical place to start is with our “factory store.” The original RepcoLite. They not only have a great store staff, but a chemical lab, a process stain matching lab, and, of course, the plant where RepcoLite paints are actually made and canned. It’s a very cool place worth checking out!

Segments 2 & 3: Dealing with Bats

According to the calendar, spring is officially here and that means bats are waking up from a winter of napping. This is the time of year companies like Rose Pest Solutions begin getting phone calls regarding bats in homes and businesses.

Because of this, we’re sitting down with Rose Pest Solutions’ District Manager, David Popp, and Regional Technical Manager, Dale Hodgson, who is a Certified Wildlife Control Professional. Dale is one of only 25 people in the entire country to have this credential! We are thrilled that he drove all the way from Ohio to come and tell us everything we need to know about bats.

Segment 4: Get Yourself a Color Muse

Sometimes we get excited about technology. And this is one of those times. We found one of the coolest gadgets for anyone choosing a paint color. Color Muse is a tiny version of the color matching computers we have in our stores. The best part is, it’s inexpensive and fits in your pocket or purse. And for only $60, how can you go wrong?

Listen here:

EP101: Wet Basements, Roller Covers, and Coolest Tool Belt System

Segment 1: Wet Basements

Now, spring is right around the corner and we’re just coming off a VERY soggy week. It seems like a great time to talk about wet basements. We highlight what to do prepare for when or if your basement gets wet. And if you want to buy a portable submersible pump just in case you DO end up with water, this one has great reviews and is under $50 on Amazon!

Segments 2 & 3: Roller Covers

So roller covers….not always the most exciting paint tool but certainly one of the most important. And getting the right cover and a quality cover can actually make or break a painting experience. Now, because roller covers are so important, we decided to chat with an expert about some of the great covers that are available. Larry Schwartz, National Sales Manager for the  Wooster Brush Company. It’s a great interview and much hilarity ensues. It’s a miracle we stayed on track at all!

Segment 4: ToughBuilt Tool Belt System

To say we were excited about this product is a massive understatement. Our original plan was to do this segment about tool belts in general. We thought we’d review a few and then talk about what tools to put in them. All was going swimmingly until we happened upon the ToughBuilt Tool Belt System with ClipTech Technology. These are some of the most versatile tool belts we’ve ever seen! Simple to use but so many possibilities and configurations. There is a good chance it will actually solve a number of tool dilemmas with just one system. It’s totally worth checking out!

Listen here:

EP100: Home Show Questions, Fire Extinguishers, Favorite Segments

Segment 1 Notes

The paper we spoke about is Anaglypta Wallpaper. It’s a heavily textured paper that can be painted and faux-finished for a wide variety of creative results!

Segment 2 & 3 Notes

Holland Fire Marshall, Bret Groendyke, walks us through the label on a fire extinguisher, how to tell what it works best for, and how much area it will cover. Bret also remind everyone that even if you THINK the fire is out, still call the fire department to come out and have a look. Sometimes the fire can spread to the interior of a wall where we can’t see it until it’s too late.

Segment 4 Notes

Listen here:

EP99: Innerseal for Ducts, Betsy’s Dad, Home Repair Services, and Rick From Flowerland!

This particular episode was recorded LIVE from the show floor at the 2019 West Michigan Home and Garden Show. We had some great guests stop by to talk about new products, cool programs, to answer questions, and to just generally chat.

Segment 1: Innerseal for Ducts with Service Professor

Tony Krause, Vice President of Service Professor and HVAC Manager, Jason Wiltjer, drop by to talk about a great new duct sealing product, Innerseal. It will save you money and make your home more comfortable to live in.

Segment 2: Betsy’s Dad

This LIVE show happened to fall on “family day” at the Home and Garden Show so we thought it was only appropriate to talk with Betsy’s dad about the struggles of getting materials and supplies to Mackinac Island in the winter. And this year had been a doozy! People think of the island as a great summertime retreat, but it’s a whole different ballgame when snow flies!

Segment 3: Home Repair Services

We’ve talked about the many offerings of Home Repair Services in the past. We once again have Joel Ruiter, Executive Director of Home Repair Services, dropping by. We had to warn him ahead of time that we were not conveniently located by two bakeries for breakfast this time. Luckily, he still decided to come and talk about their great Remodeling Together program and some of the classes they offer.

Segment 4: Rick from Flowerland

As we got ready to hand over the microphones to the Flowerland Show, Rick Vuyst put on some headphones to answer an email question we got from a listener about pruning roses.

Listen here: