Tiny Creature

Sometimes, it’s worthwhile to look carefully at the world. When we don’t, we miss some of the most interesting, tiny details. They tend to blend right in to the bigger picture. The thrill of life is finding the wonders that everyone else has passed over.

This tiny bug is easily passed by – not just because of size, but because it seamlessly blends in with its surrounding. If it weren’t for some slight movements, it may never have been spotted. But, once discovered, this tiny creature is absolutely mesmerizing.

Battling Blossoms

While this photo may not have two deer, antlers locked in battle, pushing each other about, it still appears to be a battle. A dual maybe. It looks like the gloves are off and these two elegant flowers are about fight for the right to the space and the most sunlight.

It appears as though these two flowers are pushing each other back and forth and the winds blow past. But, in the end, we know that there will be no winner or loser. Both will grow tall and strong, with just the right about of sunlight and space. Their purpose is simply to make the world more beautiful.

Silent Tribute

There are times in life when there are no words to express our feelings. In those moments, sometimes a picture says what we simply can’t. It conveys our deepest gratitude and our greatest sympathies. Thank you for your great sacrifice. You will not be forgotten.

EP162: Dirt is the New Prozac, Menswear-Inspired Interiors, Automatic Wire Strippers, Re-opening News!

SEGMENT 1: Is Dirt the New Prozac?

0:00 – 6:58

It’s commonly understood that we often feel better after working in our gardens, but  did you know there’s possibly a scientific reason behind at least part of that reduction in stress? 

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SEGMENT 2: Menswear-Inspired Interiors

6:59 – 18:50

Don’t believe what Pinterest says about “menswear-inspired” interiors. It’s not all about black and other heavy, dark colors. The key to making it work in ANY space is adding the feminine touches to balance the masculine.

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SEGMENT 3: Irwin Vise Grip Self-Adjusting Wire Stripper

19:29 – 29:58

Every now and again we stumble on a tool that really seems to live up to the promise of saving time and just doing a better job than its predecessors. These automatic wire strippers are definitely something you should have in your toolbox!

SEGMENT 4: RepcoLite–Back to Business

30:00 – 39:35

This is one of those “business” segments. But it’s important! We’re happy to finally be opening up again on Saturdays and we want everyone to know how things will be working for the next few weeks.

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Mountain Vista

There’s nothing quite like the view from a mountain to make you feel just how big the world really is. The landscape stretches ahead of you for miles and miles. Towns look tiny, nestled in the valley. The long, brown road snakes in and out of mountain. The great pines look like nothing but dabs of dark green on a landscape of white and tan.

It’s a whole new perspective. It’s getting the bird’s eye look at the world while feeling like nothing more than a mouse.

Before the Storm

Something surreal tends to happen right before a big storm. The beautifully painted sky is slowly consumed by big, dark, billowing clouds. A sometimes eerie silence descends on the earth. Birds and bugs alike go silent, waiting for the moment. In the distance, faint rumbles of thunder can be heard. As the storm gets closer, they get louder and more frequent.

And then it happens. The first few drops of rain fall on the dusty, parched fields. The silence is deafening as the creatures of this earth wait. And as if to answer the prayers of farmers, the heavens open to release the waterfall of life. Lightning illuminates the sky as the dust settles and those who depend on the soil breathe a deep sigh.