Standing Tall

Look carefully. Do you notice anything strange about these coneflowers? Yes, they appear to be very tall. And yes, they’re a beautiful fuchsia color. But more amazing is that each stem proudly holds not one, but two heads.

Are these a special kind of flower? No. Have they been modified in some way? Again, the answer is no. They’re simply overachieving flowers, standing tall.

Never Forgotten

Although the marker has aged, you are not forgotten. Although so much time has passed, you are not forgotten. Although long, blowing grasses surround this spot, you are not forgotten.

You are a part of someone’s history. And because of that, you will never be forgotten.

Tiger Lily

This, just the name, takes me back to my childhood. Every time I hear the name Tiger Lily, I think of Peter Pan. And in first grade we had to dress up like a character from the book Peter Pan. Most of the girls dressed up as Tinker Bell or Wendy. Not me! I dressed up like Peter. I wanted to be Peter Pan.

I loved my pointy, green as grass, felt hat with the red felt feather. I loved my pointy, green as leaves, felt shoe covers. And, of course, I loved my little cardboard dagger. I was more than ready to stay in Never Land forever and never grow up.


EP163: Deck Coatings, Surprising Warm Colors, Mom and the Mysterious Case of Ghosting

SEGMENT 1: Deck Coatings and Wood Protectors

0:00 – 8:30

There are a lot of deck products out there to choose from and, while it’s a good thing to have some options, sometimes the multitude of offerings can get confusing. We break down a few of the most common on the show today. And if your deck is in good shape, or the wood hasn’t been coated with a semi-transparent or solid color stain, our favorite recommendation is RepcoLite’s Port City Deck and Dock! 

View in our Online Store:

SEGMENTS 2 & 3: Not Just Oranges and Reds!

8:35 –  32:22

So often we think of warm colors as simply an orange or a red. Maybe a yellow. But in fact, there are a wide range of colors that can be classified as “warm” and which, when used in the right way, will serve to “cozy-up” your space!

Betsy’s Benjamin Moore Color Recommendations:

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SEGMENT 4: Mom and the Mysterious Case of Ghosting

32:25 – 39:55

Ghosting or Thermal Tracking is a relatively common occurrence in the home. In short, it’s the phenomenon that occurs when small amounts of moisture forms on your drywall surface directly over the studs and framing. Dirt and soot and other airborne contaminants collect there and, over time, can result in a shadow effect on your walls.

It’s common, but frustrating. However, when you point it out to your mom on a holiday weekend and get her all riled up about it . . . it moves to a whole new level!

Tiny Creature

Sometimes, it’s worthwhile to look carefully at the world. When we don’t, we miss some of the most interesting, tiny details. They tend to blend right in to the bigger picture. The thrill of life is finding the wonders that everyone else has passed over.

This tiny bug is easily passed by – not just because of size, but because it seamlessly blends in with its surrounding. If it weren’t for some slight movements, it may never have been spotted. But, once discovered, this tiny creature is absolutely mesmerizing.

Battling Blossoms

While this photo may not have two deer, antlers locked in battle, pushing each other about, it still appears to be a battle. A dual maybe. It looks like the gloves are off and these two elegant flowers are about fight for the right to the space and the most sunlight.

It appears as though these two flowers are pushing each other back and forth and the winds blow past. But, in the end, we know that there will be no winner or loser. Both will grow tall and strong, with just the right about of sunlight and space. Their purpose is simply to make the world more beautiful.