Summer Fresh

Ahhh, summer. There is just something about this time of year. It’s the crisp tang of ice cold lemonade. It’s the bright, beautiful colors of summer flowers. And it’s the fresh, clear scent of aromatic herbs.

Summer kicks off the season of fruitful harvest. It is the first time you can really begin to see the fruits of your labor. But don’t forget to take a moment. Be present. Drink in the sights, sounds, smells and tastes that make each summer unique.

EP178: Reclaim Your Space!

SEGMENT 1: Never Lose Your Keys Again

Here’s a really cool item for those of us who lose things. Often. And with great regularity!

SEGMENTS 2 & 3: Reclaim Your Space!

Betsy’s back! And she’s been busy doing some monumental cleaning. 

We all know the paralysis we can feel when we look at a room or space that we let get out of hand. It’s so hard to figure out where to even begin! Here are a few tips to get you started up that “mountain”! 

SEGMENT 4: Getting the Perfect Stain Match

Getting the right stain color for your project is a team effort! Sure, you need to go to the experts who have the skill to get the color right, but there are also some things you can do to help the process end with the best possible results!

EP177: Goodbye Soap Scum, So Long Hard Water Stains!

SEGMENT 1: DIY Cabinet Door Drying Rack

0:00 – 5:55 

I don’t get into it too deeply on the show today, but check out the link below for a cool DIY Cabinet Door Drying Rack. Easy to build. Inexpensive. AND a huge space saver!

SEGMENT 2: Cleaning the Room of Despair

5:55 –  19:00

I DETEST the kids’ bathroom in my home. It’s a place of despair. No matter how hard I try to keep it clean or try to convince them to keep it clean, it just gets messy fast. Add to that a hard water problem in my home, and the “yuck” can build up even more quickly!

That’s why I was so excited to discover CLR Brilliant Bath and CLR Multi-Purpose Cleaners. They took care of the soap scum, the mineral deposits, and the hard water stains better than anything I’ve tried before! And they’re really inexpensive….

SEGMENT 3: Betsy Update

19:01 –  31:02

Betsy’s been out of the studio for nearly 2 1/2 months, but she’s back today! In this segment we get an update on her recovery.

SEGMENT 4: The Right Color

31:03 –  39:29

Even though she’s been out of the studio for a while, that doesn’t mean Betsy’s been off the job! Even from her recovery time on the couch, she found herself helping customers find the right colors for their home. And it turns out to be a great example of some of the ways to cut through some clutter and find the right color in your own situation!

Curbside Forever!

Since our stores are now open for customers to shop inside, we have removed our outdoor curbside pickup areas. However, we know that many customers found curbside pickup to be very convenient, and because of this we will ALWAYS have curbside pickup available at all of our locations.

Just ask for curbside service when you place your order, call us when you arrive and we’ll bring your order right out to your vehicle!

It’s fast! It’s convenient! You won’t have to leave your car! And you’ll be back on the road in no time, loaded up with all the paint and supplies you need for your next project!

Ask us about it when you place your order!

Last Day

It was the last day in the mountains. The end of the trip was just hours away. Little did I know there were still a few spectacular sights waiting for me.

As we rounded the bend, there it was. The sun, just beginning to set behind the mountain peak across from us. It felt like it had waited for me. It had waited to shine its last, golden rays and create a halo around the mountain as it slipped silently, quickly,  from view.

EP166: Deck and Dock On Sale, Dating the Navy Seal Way

SEGMENT 1: Is Beading Water the Best Sign Your Deck Coating is Working?

0:00 – 6:48

There’s a company and a product that’s built around the idea and the image of water beading on a deck after a rain. And yet, surprisingly, those water beads might actually spell trouble for your deck!

View in our Online Store:

SEGMENTS 2, 3, & 4: Joe Kuhns, Dating Professional

6:49 –  38:58

Well, this is one for the books. We’ve tackled a lot of topics that stray somewhat from the “Home Improvement” theme. But this one, strays a little further than most! But it was such a good conversation, we wanted to air it.

Joe Kuhns from Coverdown Consulting (and retired Navy Seal) sits down with us to talk about some dating questions Dan had regarding his teenagers. And Joe hit it out of the park!