Episode 221: Refrigerator Makeovers, The Ups and Downs of Window Treatments, and Home Foundation Concerns

SEGMENT 1: Refrigerator Paint Job

We received a question from a listener wondering if it was possible to paint his refrigerator. Actually, it’s a relatively simple project provided you follow a few basic steps!

SEGMENT 2 : The Ins and Outs, Ups and Downs of Window Treatments

Judy Cisler from Gotcha Covered of Grand Rapids joins us in the studio to discuss window treatments. We talk about the terminology and how you can decide which ones are right for your home.

SEGMENT 3 : Foundational Issues

Zack Krieger from Ayers Basement Systems speaks with us about concerns regarding the foundations of our homes. He talks about some common problems and the solutions. And of course, he provides us with a number of things to look for so you can determine if your home’s foundation needs a little expert help.

SEGMENT 4: Refrigerators Revisited

To wrap up the show, we return full circle to refrigerators. In the opening segment we talked about how to paint them. This time we talk about some interesting design ideas and fun “refrigerator makeovers” that are cropping up all over Instagram.

Episode 220: Nagging Laundry Room Projects, 8 Key Design Elements for Kitchens, Budget-Friendly Ways to Update Your Kitchen

SEGMENT 1: Nagging Laundry Room Projects

We talk about these things often, but that’s because they’re important AND easy to forget about! So today we cover a couple laundry room maintenance tasks that you should be accomplishing.

SEGMENTS 2 & 3: Eight Details to Consider in Your Next Kitchen Update

We chat with Interior Designer, Lauren Figueroa, about eight design details you may want to consider if you’re looking at a kitchen update. Check out her blog post below:

SEGMENT 4: Budget-Friendly Ways to Update Your Kitchen

Not everyone is in a spot right now where a full kitchen update is possible. (I’m not!!) And so, for those of us in that situation, we thought we’d talk about the tremendous difference a simple kitchen cabinet repaint can make in your home!

Episode 219: The “Old Glory” Story, Flag Etiquette, Styling Shelves the Easy Way, and Finding a Contractor

SEGMENT 1: The “Old Glory” Story

Dan recounts the dramatic tale of how the flag won the nickname “Old Glory”.

SEGMENT 2: Flag Etiquette

There are rules when it comes to proudly displaying the old “Stars and Stripes”. And we’re going to bet that a number of you are breaking at least one or two of them! We talk about the proper way to respectfully display the American Flag and we talk about the rituals that make up the “retirement” ceremony of a flag when it reaches that age!

SEGMENT 3: Styling Shelves the Easy Way

Interior Designer, Michaela Noelle, joins us to talk some key mistakes to avoid when styling shelves. She also walks us through her 4-step process to beautiful built-ins!

SEGMENT 4: Hiring a Contractor

Contractors are crazy busy right now! We talk with RepcoLite’s sales manager, Ryan Mullen about the best steps to finding and hiring a contractor for that next project. (Hint: the BEST tip is to start looking NOW).


Episode 218: Recycling the Right Way, Common Questions, and Beautiful Lawns All Summer Long

SEGMENT 1: Recycling the Right Way

Are you a contaminator or are you shutting down recycling plants?? There are big stakes when it comes to what we put in our recycling bins. Learn how to avoid the most common recycling mistakes!

SEGMENTS 2 & 3: Meeting the Man Behind the Chat

Peter Ogle from our online chat joins us in the studio! Peter has been manning our online chat from 8am – 9pm M-F to make sure your questions can always be answered. Today we go over some of the most common questions.

SEGMENT 4: Beautiful Lawns All Summer Long

Dan inherited a flawless lawn when he bought his house and it’s been stressful knowing how to keep it looking great. We have tips to take the guesswork out of having a healthy, beautiful lawn this summer.

Episode 217: A Father’s Day Story, Ladder History, The Best Tape, Saving Your Carpet

SEGMENT 1: A Father’s Day Story

Dan recounts some of his favorite childhood memories of his Dad and the lessons that come along with them.

SEGMENT 2: The Unexpected History of Ladders

There are a lot of everyday tools and objects that we take for granted. We never stop to think where it all began…In the case of the Ladder its story begins in Spain, as cave paintings, that date back to 10,000 BC! We dig into the innovations as well as the 40 years of bad luck!

Some Fun Folkore Fixes

If you happen to wander beneath a ladder . . . there are some tried and true fixes from history:

WALK BACKWARDS THROUGH THE LADDER! Don’t turn around, but instead, freeze in your tracks and walk backwards out. According to some sources, this is a the prime time to make a wish as well.

MAKE THE I’VE GOT YOUR NOSE GESTURE! OK, if walking backwards isn’t your thing and you find yourself beneath a ladder, history tells us you can put your thumb between your index and middle finger (I’ve got your nose). If the ladder is REALLY big or if you’re REALLY nervous, you could do this with both hands. Unless you’re shopping and carrying many packages. Then just do the one hand and hope for the best.

CROSS YOUR FINGERS AND WAIT FOR A DOG! Another finger-crossing fix from history is to cross your index and middle finger and keep them crossed until you see a dog. Now, we were unable to determine what kind of dog you are looking for. Technically, any dog will work. But maybe hold out for a bigger one. Bigger is better after all.

SPIT THROUGH THE RUNGS! If you’re in an area with a sparse dog population, you can always spit three times through the rungs. This is also said to be very effective, but, of course, do not spit on the rungs. That would result in a slip-hazard for the poor person actually working on the ladder.

SPIT ON YOUR SHOE AND WAIT! The last method we uncovered was our favorite. If you happen to find yourself under a ladder all you need to do to ward off the bad mojo is to spit on your shoe. However, it’s absolutely critical that you do not look at the spittle on your shoe until it is dried. This is so important and so many people miss this step. We repeat: do not look at the spittle until it’s dry. So you may need to have a spittle-checker-helper. 

SEGMENT 3: Is Painter’s Tape Worth It?

Taping is our least favorite part of the paint job and most masking tapes will still allow paint to bleed through. Leaving you to wonder; is it really worth it? We put 7 painters tapes to the test to find out!

Below we have our test board pictured. To clarify:

  • For all tapes, the left side is the tape pressed down with finger pressure only.
  • For all tapes except the two Frog Tape samples, the right side had been applied and then pressed down with a putty knife.
  • For the Frog Tape, the right side edge has been applied and then “pre-activated” with a damp paper towel.

A few takeaways:

  1. The Frog Tape outperformed all of the other tapes when it came to sharp lines, even when it was only applied using finger pressure. 
  2. Most of the other tapes provided dramatically improved results when pressed tightly down with a putty knife.
  3. The cheapest tape definitely underperformed in every test. Even with a putty knife, paint bled under the tape. 

SEGMENT 4: Paint the Baseboards, Not the Carpet!

If the last segment didn’t get you hooked on tape this one is sure to. Painting baseboards can get really messy when you have carpet on the floor. Tools sold as carpet shields rarely live up to the name but we have found the magic trick that offers flawless results.

EP216: Color App Fun, EGO Power Tools Review, Repelling Mosquitoes Naturally, Fixing Those Fences

SEGMENT 1: Color Capture

Last week we talked about finding color inspiration in unexpected places. Now we highlight a tool that can turn your inspirational photos into a color palette of Benjamin Moore colors. You won’t believe how fun and easy it is to match the colors you are inspired by. What is this magic tool? Tune to find out! 

SEGMENT 2: EGO Battery Powered Yard Equipment

Dan recently purchased new lawn equipment when he saw a deal for EGO battery powered, string trimmer, blower and hedge trimmer. In the past he preferred gas or electric so he was interested in putting these battery powered tools to the test! The reviews are in…

SEGMENT 3: Mosquito Wars

We see a lot of articles claiming that planting things such as lavender, citronela, lemongrass and Rosemary will keep mosquitos at bay…However, there is more to the story. We have put together a system that combines natural ways of taking your yard back from Mosquitos. 

SEGMENT 4: The Ugly Side of Fences

Our show experienced technical difficulties last week when the radio station that airs each of these episodes failed to start our show on time! So this segment (which included a giveaway) never aired for all of those listeners. So, this week we included it again so the on-air audience could be a part of the contest. We apologize to all the podcast subscribers who caught this one twice!

In this segment we address old, grayed, and weathered fences. They can detract from the look of your property and there really are some great stain and sealer options out there that will help you improve their appearance. Also, even if the wood is cedar or pressure treated pine, a sealer or stain will protect it and help it last much longer!