A New Room in a Gallon Can

bigstock-Bedroom-For-Two-Children--95587847_smallerRemodeling projects can get expensive. Quickly. Start tearing out flooring and knocking down walls and before you know it, you’ll find that a little re-do project has grown into an expensive, all-encompassing home remodel.And right now, not many folks are interested in dropping that kind of money. But just because the economy’s not booming doesn’t mean you have to put up with that old look you’ve got going on in your living room or your kitchen or wherever.

Never forget that a gallon of paint is easily the cheapest home improvement project you can tackle. Generally for around $100 or so, you can get your hands on all the supplies and paint you need to turn your living room from something boring–something that’s been mired in the 70’s since . . . well, the 70’s–into something hip and cool and new and fresh.

Your walls make up a huge percentage of a room. When you put a new, exciting color on them, it makes everything else look new. Your furniture–even the old stuff–takes on a new look against the new color. Your wall-hangings take on new life. Even your carpet can take on a new look when you put the right color on your walls.

So think about it. As many of us do what we can to save money and make wise decisions, why not make the wisest home improvement decision (at least economically) that you can possibly make? Why not stop out at RepcoLite and let our decorators steer you towards a color that will infuse your boring, tired room with life?

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