Segments 1 and 2: The Story of the Closet (and more)
Who knew that certain extremely common elements in our homes came about because people were concerned about sanitation, cleanliness, and avoiding deadly germs? Who knew? Betsy. And she digs into all of it in these two segments.
Segment 3: Isaac Newton's "Year" of Quarantine
Being in self-isolation ourselves, it's possible we can draw some inspiration from people in the past who've lived through similar experiences. Well, one such person who's been all over the internet recently is Isaac Newton. There are tons of stories talking about Newton's "Miracle Year" or his "Year of Wonders" where he basically dreamed up every major idea he ever had while in quarantine from the Great Plague in 1665.
Well.... It's a great story. But the truth is a little different than some of the accounts we've all been reading. Check it out!
Segments 4: Peel and Stick Wallpaper
One of our favorite advancements in the world of home decorating is Peel and Stick wallpaper. It may sound like a gimmick or like a weird, unworkable, and ridiculous product, but it's absolutely as cool as you might be able to imagine if you try very hard! It is unique, versatile, priced well, and so easy to work with! Betsy has a few ideas about how you can incorporate it inn your home. And we've got a few pictures just to show you some of the (many) patterns available!
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